3DS Demo Payment Page
The demo payment page files can be downloaded here. There are 2 files included in the download:
Example payment page integrated with TxShield 3DS SDK. Do not use in production environments as it exposes sensitive information.
Third party JavaScript file used to create the hash, used in the validation and authorization of your calls to the 3DS SDK.
These files are intended for you to copy into the same directory on your webserver and run directly from there.
Once on the webserver all you have to do is update the 3ds2DemoPaymentPage.html
file with the configuration values supplied by PayShield. The variables in the demo payment page are surrounded by {{ variable }}. Both the name and {{}}
should be replaced as per below.
3DS Server URL Updates
: the URL of the server to connect to for 3ds2 authorisation. It needs to be updated in 2 places. Assuming the URL we provide is https://myauthserver.com
<script src="{{txshield_3ds_url}}/js/3d2integrator.v3.dist.js"></script>
<script src="https://myauthserver.com/js/3d2integrator.v3.dist.js"></script>
let shieldUrl = '{{txshield_3ds_url}}';
let shieldUrl = 'https://myauthserver.com';
Authentication Updates
Two further updates need to be made to the Site ID and Rcode. This will allow authorisation to connect to the TxShield 3DS SDK.
is the Site ID (sid) provided to you by PayShield and is equivalent to a username. For example, if a sid of 808 is provided, then:
let shield3dsSid = '{{txshield_3ds_sid}}';
let shield3dsSid = '808';
is the rcode provided to you by PayShield and is equivalent to a password. For example, if an rcode of '598950057acc2dd9df729a5ed4b9750a7c03bbec' is provided, then:
let shield3dsRcode = '{{txshield_3ds_rcode}}';
let shield3dsRcode = '598950057acc2dd9df729a5ed4b9750a7c03bbec';
You should now be able to run the demo payment page file. For test card details please contact PayShield Support.
Last updated