Testing Data
Not all gateways provide a testing environment but we will be able to setup a test gateway for testing.
To test your integration, please contact support and you will be provided with a testing SID. Any transaction processed on the testing SID will only be checked syntactically and semantically by TxProcess UAT. This way you can test if you have sent sufficient and correct data.
The information given below is for testing using our test gateway only. No amount will be deducted from the account. Test responses are simulated based on the amount sent.
When performing credit card type transaction testing with your testing SID, the following card details can be used:
Card Number
Card Type
Expiry Date
Card name
The following transaction amounts can be used to test different transaction results with your testing SID.
Non 3D Secure transactions with Gateway error
PENDING transaction
Non 3D Secure transactions with Decline message
3D Secure transaction with a Decline message
3D Secure transaction with a Gateway Failed message
any amount between $.15 and $.20
Approved 3D Secure transaction
Stands for any dollar value. eg, $*.12 = $1.12, $2.12 etc
You will be able to view the results of your testing transactions in TxProcess UAT by searching for them on the Browse Transactions : {endpoint_url}/transactions.php page with your testing SID as a search item.
Last updated