Single Transaction API (TxHandler)
TxHandler is the most common integration method. It is also the most flexible integration method for collecting payments.
TxHandler expects Form Data to be sent via POST calls. Typically this would be after a customer clicks on the "Pay Now" button on the merchants website. But can be doing via an API call.
POST data to TxHandler
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
sid* | String | Site id (unique identifier for the web site) |
tid | String | Merchant Reference |
postback_url* | String | The URL of the page used to receive the TxHandler postback. The response can be read from $_POST array. |
redirect_url | String | The URL of the page TxHandler will redirect to after processing. The response can be read as GET parameters. If there is no redirect_url, the result will be a json string |
hash* | String | md5 hash of sid+timestamp+amounttotal+currency+rcode ie: md5('22'.'1234568995265421'.'17.00'.'USD'.'222b6c') For more details see the hash section. |
timestamp* | String | Timestamp value used in the hash ie: 1234568995265421 |
card_type* | String | Please ask your support contact for your complete list. Each pay method will require different fields and currencies to be entered. |
card_name* | String | Card holders name as is on the card. |
card_no* | String | Card Number / PAN. No spaces or separators allowed |
card_ccv* | String | Card CCV/CVV/CVC |
card_exp_month* | String | 2 digits |
card_exp_year* | String | 4 digits |
institution_number | String | The institution number, used for bank transfers |
routing_no | String | The routing or transit number, used for bank transfers |
account_no | String | The account number, used for bank transfers |
firstname | String | First name of the customer |
lastname | String | Last name of the customer |
phone | String | Customer phone number |
email* | String | Customer email |
mobile | String | Customer mobile number |
address | String | Customer address |
suburb_city | String | Customer suburb or city |
state | String | Customer state, 2 digit code for US/Canada |
postcode | String | Customer postcode/zipcode |
country* | String | Customer country, ISO 3166 2 digit code |
shipping_firstname | String | First name of the customer |
shipping_lastname | String | Last name of the customer |
shipping_address | String | Customer address |
shipping_suburb_city | String | Customer suburb or city |
shipping_state | String | Customer state, 2 digit code for US/Canada |
shipping_postcode | String | Customer postcode/zipcode |
shipping_country | String | Customer country, ISO 3166 2 digit code |
currency* | String | Transaction currency [currency in which the gateway is setup], ISO 3 letter code |
amount_shipping* | String | Transaction shipping amount |
amount_coupon* | String | Coupon amount |
amount_tax* | String | Transaction tax amount |
item_quantity* | Object | An array with the quantity of each cart item |
item_name* | Object | An array of article names for each cart item |
item_no* | Object | An array of article numbers for each cart item |
item_desc* | Object | An array with descriptions for each cart item |
item_amount_unit* | Object | An array that defines the price per unit for each cart item |
threeDSecure | String | json string of the 3d2.0 params eg, {"eci":"05", "cavv":"MPUAANABhSD54fFQJTIm+Vq+zPY=", "xid":"1b5705e7-70da-4a63-9693-bba49da82066", "status":"Y", "protocolVersion":"2.1.0", "authenticationValue":"MPUAANABhSD54fFQJTIm+Vq+zPY=", "dsTransactionId":"1b5705e7-70da-4a63-9693-bba49da82066"} |
campaignid | String | This is a campaign code as provided by the associated affiliate system. please only use if information is provided. |
affiliateid | String | The affiliate id provided by the affiliate system |
tx_action* | String | PAYMENT/PREAUTH/AUTH |
ref4 | String | Merchant reference field |
ref3 | String | Merchant reference field |
ref2 | String | Merchant reference field |
ref1 | String | Merchant reference field |
Redirect URL
After the transaction, the customer can be redirected to a merchant defined location and also the result of the transaction can be received as postback to a merchant defined script/page.
In case of no redirect URL, the response will be a JSON string of the above data (see example response in above). This will be useful if you are doing an cURL post instead of FORM post.
For more information click the following link: Make Payment using TxHandler.
Postback URL
For every transaction type, and status combination, a postback will be sent to the postback URL.
A postback will contain the same data as that contained in the return of a redirect, except to a dedicated endpoint you specify. For synchronous transactions this may not seem important, as you may be redirecting the user back to your main CRM. For asynchronous transactions this is very important, if this is not used correctly, you will never get the final status of the second part of the transaction.
The status field will have one of the following values:
OK The transaction was successful.
PEND The transaction is pending and there will be a follow-up message.
EXC The transaction is declined. The response should include information about the reason or exception encountered.
PAYG_ERROR This is a rare response, indicating a problem with communicating with the processor.
Last updated